" The port of Setúbal made the first shipment of a trailer of logistics supply
The shipment to Algeria of 3 transformers of 126 tons each, a complex transport operation in the port of Setúbal.
Navigomes made in Sines port shipment of 31 large volumes to South America.
The dpt. of "Project Cargoes" provides technical advice and a wide range of transport solutions for their clients.
Following several carriage for the public sector, the Navigomes moved from Baltimore (USA) to the port of Setúbal fire engine that by its beauty aroused the curiosity of the users of RORO terminal in the port of Setúbal.
With an area of expertise that covers all national ports and with extensive experience in special transport, we did the Antwerp transport to Leixões two pieces of 4,50m tall.
The Ship "RIO KIE" with flag of Comoros, visited the port of Aveiro on 16 and 17 June the load material for the African continent, under the agency Navigomes.
The tanker 'Sichem Palace "was on 11 and 12 June to unload 5,000 tons of liquid caustic soda in the port of Setúbal, under the agency Navigomes.
Climbed in Setúbal last day June 3, 2014 the Portuguese sailing ship "Santa Maria Manuela" with 17 crew and 50 passengers on board, touted by Navigomes.